Why I like this Booking.com Facebook advert
I don’t really like adverts, in fact I block them whenever I can even though I understand that they enable my favourite services and websites to be free of charge. Slowly this is beginning to change a little, if the ad has compelling content that piques my interest I might interact with it rather than ignore it.
I never thought I would like an advert enough to write about it but then this video popped up on my Facebook feed. I really like it for multiple reasons:
- The style is simple and lo-fi but it doesn’t look amateurish. The lighting isn’t perfect but it doesn’t need to be. By being real and not Hollywood it acually connected with me more.
- The items are pretty cool, I especially like the backpack. Feels like it has been aimed at millenials rather than older travellers.
- The length is about right, I am not going to watch five minute long adverts but this was only 16 seconds and packed in lots of interest with a quick pace.
- The knowledge demonstrated made me realise that the Booking.com video team either know Munich or have done their research. The surf wax particularly stood out as I loved watching the inner-city surfers when I was in Munich.
- Perhaps most importantly it is fun! The aforementioned surf wax and the hat for Oktoberfest wouldn’t really be on most people’s Munich packing list but they are useful devices to introduce enticing things to see and do in the city.
I am not going to suddenly embrace all Facebook adverts but more of this type of thing will grab my attention, make me smile and remember the brand.